The mission of Choice Moms – launched by Mikki Morrissette in 2004 – is to create a supportive, welcoming, educational environment for single women who consciously decide to become mothers without a partner. This includes offering print and online tools of communication, and creating points of connection that bring women together in special events designed to help them honestly share their struggles and concerns, and celebrate this journey. offers an average of 12,000 visitors each month a safe environment of educational resources to help them find answers and support. Hundreds of thousands of women have been served by the podcasts, e-books, discussion boards, and more.
Choice Moms LLC works with advertisers and sponsors to create customized packages of content and promotions that serves both the Choice Mom community and the bottom-line mission of Choice Mom-friendly product and service providers.
Some of the products created for this community:
- Choosing Single Motherhood: The Thinking Woman’s Guide (400 page award-winning book)
- I Felt You Flutter in My Heart (storybook written by Choice Mom, illustrated by Choice Kids)
- Audio: “Do I Have a Dad?” (downloadable library of expert interviews)
- Voices of Donor Conception: Behind Closed Doors (100 pages about the ethics of donor insemination)
- Choice Moms Guide to Fertility (100 page tips and Choice Mom insight)
- Choice Moms Guide to Adoption (100 page tips and Choice Mom insight)
- Choice Chat podcast (more than 40,000 downloads)
- More than 500 articles
- E-newsletters, e-guides, the Choice Fertility newsletter